Há 30 anos alguns grupos de jovens ingleses criaram o movimento ‘2-Tone’, que elevou o ska a um dos ritmos prediletos da juventude em todo o mundo, e uma das bandas mais cultuadas dessa época foi o ‘The Selecter’. Esse nome foi adaptado de um termo jamaicano para denominar DJ – ‘the selector’, que em português quer dizer ‘o seletor’.
Pauline Black era a vocalista do ‘The Selecter’, e ela vai se apresentar acompanhada de músicos brasileiros do ‘Firebug’, como Rodrigo Cerqueira, Felipe Machado e Lipe Torre, além de Edu Satajah do ‘Brasilites’ e Phil Fagnoli do ‘Dead Fish’. Essa turnê, em solo brasileiro, já passou por Porto Alegre, Curitiba, Campinas, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e chega ao final em Brasília, nessa semana.
O disco "Too Much Pressure", de 1980 vai completar 30 anos, e para Pauline “os assuntos abordados nesse disco ainda são relevantes depois de 30 anos, já que a crise global está definitivamente botando “pressão demais” (‘too much pressure’ em português) em todo mundo.
No repertório do show estão clássicos como “Too much pressure”, “Everyday (Times so hard)”, “Three minute hero”, “Out on the streets”, “Murder”, “My collie (Not a dog)”, “Train to skaville”, “Carry go bring come”, “Missing words”, “On my radio”, além da música favorita de Pauline, “Celebrate the bullet”, do disco homônimo.

1979 Peel Session
1. They make me mad
2. Danger
3. Street feeling
4. Carry go bring come
1980 Too Much Pressure

1. Three minute hero
2. Everyday (Time is hard)
3. They make me mad
4. Missing words
5. Danger
6. Street feeling
7. My collie (Not a dog)
8. Too much pressure
9. Murder
10. Out on the streets
11. Carry go bring home
12. Black and blue
13. James Bond
1981 Celebrate the Bullet

1. (Who likes) Facing situations
2. Deepwater
3. Red reflections
4. Tell me what's wrong
5. Bombscare
6. Washed up and left for dead
7. Celebrate the bullet
8. Selling out your future
9. Cool blue lady
10. Their dream goes on
11. Bristol and Miami
12. The whisper (Bonus track)
13. Train to skaville (Bonus track)
14. Last tango in dub (Bonus track)
15. Train to skaville 12-inch version (Bonus track)
1996 Greatest Hits

1. Three minute hero
2. Too much pressure
3. Celebrate the bullet
4. Bombscare
5. Deepwater
6. Everyday (Time is hard)
7. They make me mad
8. Bristol and Miami
9. Missing words
10. James Bond
11. On my radio
12. The whisper
13. Carry go bring home
14. Murder
15. Washed up and left for dead
16. Last tango in dub
2002 Unplugged for the Rude Boy Generation

1. Doors of my heart
2. Missing words
3. Israelites
4. Unbeaten & unbowed
5. The whisper
6. Do nothing
7. Heavy rain
8. Symphony of love
9. Midnight rider
10. The tide is high
11. Blood & fire
12. Roll the dice
O disco "Too Much Pressure", de 1980 vai completar 30 anos, e para Pauline “os assuntos abordados nesse disco ainda são relevantes depois de 30 anos, já que a crise global está definitivamente botando “pressão demais” (‘too much pressure’ em português) em todo mundo.
No repertório do show estão clássicos como “Too much pressure”, “Everyday (Times so hard)”, “Three minute hero”, “Out on the streets”, “Murder”, “My collie (Not a dog)”, “Train to skaville”, “Carry go bring come”, “Missing words”, “On my radio”, além da música favorita de Pauline, “Celebrate the bullet”, do disco homônimo.

1979 Peel Session
1. They make me mad
2. Danger
3. Street feeling
4. Carry go bring come
1980 Too Much Pressure

1. Three minute hero
2. Everyday (Time is hard)
3. They make me mad
4. Missing words
5. Danger
6. Street feeling
7. My collie (Not a dog)
8. Too much pressure
9. Murder
10. Out on the streets
11. Carry go bring home
12. Black and blue
13. James Bond
1981 Celebrate the Bullet

1. (Who likes) Facing situations
2. Deepwater
3. Red reflections
4. Tell me what's wrong
5. Bombscare
6. Washed up and left for dead
7. Celebrate the bullet
8. Selling out your future
9. Cool blue lady
10. Their dream goes on
11. Bristol and Miami
12. The whisper (Bonus track)
13. Train to skaville (Bonus track)
14. Last tango in dub (Bonus track)
15. Train to skaville 12-inch version (Bonus track)
1996 Greatest Hits

1. Three minute hero
2. Too much pressure
3. Celebrate the bullet
4. Bombscare
5. Deepwater
6. Everyday (Time is hard)
7. They make me mad
8. Bristol and Miami
9. Missing words
10. James Bond
11. On my radio
12. The whisper
13. Carry go bring home
14. Murder
15. Washed up and left for dead
16. Last tango in dub
2002 Unplugged for the Rude Boy Generation

1. Doors of my heart
2. Missing words
3. Israelites
4. Unbeaten & unbowed
5. The whisper
6. Do nothing
7. Heavy rain
8. Symphony of love
9. Midnight rider
10. The tide is high
11. Blood & fire
12. Roll the dice
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